The birth story of Chase Elliot, AKA ‘Little’ part 1. 

After what I would class as a traumatising birth I'm feeling good to write this now... Since I gave birth to big, I always knew I wanted a homebirth for my next baby. I'm a stubborn one, and literally nothing was getting in my way. Now I know birth doesn't always go to plan, but… Continue reading The birth story of Chase Elliot, AKA ‘Little’ part 1. 

Big, little & me…

It's always best to start from the beginning right? Well here's a brief story about big, little and me! 4.5years ago starts the usual boy meets girl, blah blah you get the drift. I met my wonderful husband, to be honest I don't quite remember how! I *think* it started with me posting on Facebook… Continue reading Big, little & me…